
We are all Treaty people / Nous sommes tous les peuples des traités

We are all Treaty Four People - Nous sommes tous impliqués par les traités.

It is important that we recognize that École Dr. A.E. Perry Students and our families live on Treaty Four territory, the original lands of the Cree, Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. The Treaty 4 Flag represents 34 First Nations in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Welcome to Kindergarten - Bienvenue au maternelle!

Kindergarten / Maternelle at École Dr. A.E. Perry School

We are so thrilled to welcome new families to the École Dr. A.E. Perry Community. We know that your child is going to have an incredible introduction to school through our English and French Immersion programs during the 2021-2022 school year. We offer dynamic and engaging early years programming with our two wonderful Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Moeller (English Kindergarten) and Mme Archambault (French Immersion Programming). 

Introducing Edsby

May 4, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools is excited to introduce Edsby to all staff, students and parents/guardians. Edsby is a comprehensive digital learning platform that will replace the PowerSchool Parent Portal this summer. Parents/guardians will be able to use Edsby to keep up with what’s happening with their children at school and to remain active in the education of their children.

Parents/guardians are asked to please CLICK HERE for an important document that contains the step-by-step instructions that need to be completed by June 1st.

In-class Learning to Resume on May 3

April 26, 2021 -- Following consultations and recommendations from Regina Medical Health Officers (RMHO), Regina Public Schools will be returning to in-class learning on Monday, May 3, 2021.

The decision to return to in-class learning follows information from RMHO showing a “distinct reduction” in new infection in both elementary and high school-aged students. RMHO supports the return to in-class learning and continues to monitor case trends.