Dr. A. E. Perry School is now accepting registrations for the Fall 2020-2021 Kindergarten School Year. If your child will be five years old by December 31,2020, he/she is eligible to attend Kindergarten in September.
All Kindergarten classes run either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday and alternating Fridays.
1.Please complete the following kindergarten registration form by clicking here.
2. Please email your registration form to draeperry@rbe.sk.ca or you can drop it off at the school office between 8:45 and 3:45. We offer both French Immersion programming and English Programming. On your form please be sure to indicate which program you would like to register your child in by checking off the required box. Documentation of your child's birth certificate and health card is required as well as proof of address must be provided.
3. If you are new to Canada, please visit the Regina Newcomer Welcome Center.
Our English Kindergarten Program Orientation for parents and child(ren) will be held on Friday, May 1, 2020 at 10:45am. Further information regarding the Kindergarten French Immersion Orientation will be announced at a later date.