Welcome back! Our upcoming Three-Way Conferences for École Dr. A.E Perry School will take place on Thursday, March 11th for students in Kindergarten B and Friday, March 12th for students in Kindergarten A and Grades 1-8.
These conferences will be held virtually – you will select a time and we will provide a link for you to access the conference. We will once again be using the Regina Public Schools Conference Manager. Conference Manager is a web-based scheduling application. This application allows you, as a parent, to use the Internet to check our teachers’ conference schedules and book appointments quickly and easy. Additional information on this booking application, complete instructions for registration and when the conference manager will be available for parents to start booking their conference time is located on the letter sent home to parents previously this week.
Conference Manager will be available to parents starting on Monday, March 1st at 7:00 AM and will close on Monday, March 8th at 7:00 PM. After those days, parents and guardians will need to register for the conferences through the main office if they have not yet been able to secure a spot.
If, for whatever reason, you are unable to book an appointment on the designated Three-Way Conference date of Thursday, March 11th (KB) or Friday, March 12th (KA and 1-8), please contact your child’s teacher via email to arrange an alternate time for this important Three-Way Conference time.
We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to make every effort possible to meet with your child’s teacher on this designated date. This is the day that has been set aside by Regina Public Schools and École Dr. A.E Perry School for our teachers to meet with you. Seeking alternate times outside of this designated day could prove to be difficult. We want to thank you in advance for your interest in your child’s education and look forward to new ways of sharing information on your child’s growth in school at our upcoming conferences. Please note that there will be no school for students on their scheduled conference day.
Please continue to stay informed and up-to-date with your child’s progress by using the online PowerSchool Parent Portal on a regular basis throughout the school year.