
COVID Identified, Parents Called, School Open

December 5, 2020 – the Saskatchewan Health Authority informed us that there was one case of COVID-19 in an individual at Dr. A.E. Perry School. 

For the safety of students and staff, and in consultation with Public Health, we have informed all close contacts and provided them information about self-isolation. The affected students and class will begin remote learning and will not return to the school until December 17th. Remote Learning will begin for those students on December 8th.

We have also contacted all school families by automated telephone call to inform them.

Letters will be sent to all school families on Monday, December, 7, 2020

Update from Regina Public Schools Regarding Mask Usage

Good afternoon Panther families!

This afternoon we will be sending home a letter from our Director of Education, Mr. Greg Enion, that provides an update on the Regina Public Schools Safety Plan.  Effective Monday, November 9, 2020, non-medical masks will be required to be worn by all students (now including Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 3), and all staff in our schools and school division buildings and school buses. Regina Public Schools puts the safety of students and staff first and mask use is one tool we can use to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our schools.

Home Alone and Babysitting Courses at École Dr A.E. Perry School

Thanks to our School Community Council, students will have the opportunity to participate in virtual Home Alone or Babysitting Basic courses on Friday, November 20th.

This is a Professional Development Day for staff and there is no school for students on that day.  The courses are being run virtually (online) and are taught by St. John's Ambulance.

The Home Alone course runs from 9:30am - 12:00pm.  Students must be 10 years of age to participate in this course.  The cost is $30 and parents may sign their children up at THIS LINK.

Welcome to the Perry Pumpkin Patch!

As we count down to Halloween - our students have been busy at work coming up with a literary character to represent in the #PerryPumpkinPatch!  These pumpkins have been growing all week and the pumpkin patch is full!  The pumpkins are all re-creations of literary characters. Each classroom has put forth an entry. We are now ready to show off our pumpkins - students, families and community are all able to vote at THIS LINK.

Voting will be open until Friday, October 30th at noon.  The winning entry will be announced that afternoon.

A very special thank you to Save on Foods and the École Dr A.E. Perry School Community Council for the pumpkin donation and to Mrs. Fiorante for her work in organizing the pumpkin patch!

Picture Day at École Dr AE Perry School

A reminder that PICTURE day at École Dr A.E. Perry School starts today.  All Kindergarten Schedule A students will have their photo taken today and tomorrow, Kindergarten Schedule B students and grades 1-8 will be able to have their individual school photo taken.

Lifetouch will provide us with updated information about picture times for E-learning families and we will communicate this directly to those families involved.

We will only be taking individual photos as this time - no group photos.  Retake day will be posted once we have a confirmed date.

Picture Day at École Dr AE Perry School

Bonjour à nos panthères!  Hey Panther families!

Pick out your best outfit - Picture day will be here before you know it.

October 7th - PM - Kindergarten Schedule A students ONLY

October 8th - All Day - Kindergarten Schedule B, Grades 1-8

Please note that at this time we will only be taking individual student photos.  Group photos are not permitted at this time.  We will be working closely with Lifetouch and appropriate safety measures will be in place.

Additional information will be coming out over the next few days, including information for our e-learning families.

Illness at school - Parent Information

Thank you for your efforts to keep our panthers healthy and safe while they are at school!  We greatly appreciate the diligence from our families in doing a health assessment each morning - ensuring that all students are symptom free before they come to school.

If ever a student becomes ill while at school, we will contact you and ask you to come and pick them up.  Should students be showing any of the symptoms on the attached image, please note that students must remain home for 48 hours, symptom free, prior to returning to school.  These measures are but a few of the many safety precautions that we are taking at École Dr. A.E. Perry School to help keep our students safe, healthy, and in the building.