
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

As you may know, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Ms. Chase, one of our LRTs, holds this month and this research dear to her heart and has worked hard to encourage families to collect tabs from pop cans.

At the end of last year, Ms. Chase launched a fundraising challenge to our Perry families (see attached). If families collect pop tabs at home, or are able to do so, please send them to school at any time for Ms. Chase.

Thanks Panthers!

We are all Treaty people / Nous sommes tous les peuples des traités

We are all Treaty Four People - Nous sommes tous impliqués par les traités.

It is important that we recognize that École Dr. A.E. Perry Students and our families live on Treaty Four territory, the original lands of the Cree, Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Dakota, Nakota, Lakota, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. The Treaty 4 Flag represents 34 First Nations in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

Welcome to Kindergarten - Bienvenue au maternelle!

Kindergarten / Maternelle at École Dr. A.E. Perry School

We are so thrilled to welcome new families to the École Dr. A.E. Perry Community. We know that your child is going to have an incredible introduction to school through our English and French Immersion programs during the 2021-2022 school year. We offer dynamic and engaging early years programming with our two wonderful Kindergarten teachers, Mrs. Moeller (English Kindergarten) and Mme Archambault (French Immersion Programming). 

COVID Update from École Dr AE Perry School - March 19th, 2021

Dear Panther families,

You may notice that the Saskatchewan Health Authority has declared an outbreak at École Dr AE Perry School. This information will also be shared on the  evening news. Please know that this is related to previous cases at the school and all information has already been shared with families.  As of March 19th, 2021, there have not been any new cases of COVID 19 reported at École Dr AE Perry School.

African-Canadian Black History Month at École Dr AE Perry School

February marks the start of African- Canadian Black History Month. This month provides all of our Panthers with the opportunity to learn and share about the experiences, achievements and contributions of peoples of African ancestry and their communities. The 2021 theme for Black History Month is "The Future is Now".

We encourage all of our Panthers to check out some new displays near the office... coming soon! Mrs. Fiorante has some incredible resources for you to check out and has even put together a virtual reading room for you to explore!

Please click HERE to access the reading room.

E-learning Window - Coming Soon!

Information Update Regarding e-Learning Programming

Please note that as previously communicated to our École Dr. A.E. Perry School families, the next window during which students may enroll or return from e-school is coming up soon.

Families may choose e-school for their students - an online learning program that is organized through Campus Regina Public.  Families may only leave in school programming or return to in school programming during this window.  This helps to ensure smooth transitions, appropriate programming and a high quality of instruction for all of our students.