Wednesday, March 1st
Conferences for École Dr. A.E Perry School will take place on Wednesday March 15th (Kindergarten A only) or Thursday, March 16th (Kindergarten B, Grades 1-8.) These conferences will be held either virtually or in person, to accommodate parent schedules.
Some teachers have chosen to host a celebration of learning and will connect in with their parents directly.
For those attending conferences, we ask that if possible, if you prefer an in-person conference, you select the AM time slot, if you prefer a virtual conference, you select the PM time slot. The goal of this conference is for us to be able to connect in with parents, guardians and students to share information about your child’s growth to date, strengths, goals, and areas for support.
We will be using Regina Public Schools Conference Manager to book conferences. The Regina Public Schools Conference Manager (https://aeperry.schoolsoft.com/login.jsf) is a web-based scheduling application. This application allows you, as a parent, to easily access our teachers’ conference schedules and book appointments quickly and easily.
Please ontinue to stay informed and up-to-date with your child’s progress by using the Edsby platform on a regular basis throughout the school year. We look forward to connecting with you to discuss your child’s learning! Thank you for taking the time to meet with staff on this day.