
Absences Add Up!

Did you know?

1. Being on time for school sets your child up for a great day of learning.

2. Even in Kindergarten, absences can cause children to fall behind in their learning.

3. Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it difficult to learn to read – a critical future skill.

Please take a moment to view this video featuring local community Leaders as they discuss the importance of everyone focusing on school attendance. Attendance Matters - United Way Regina

Welcome Back to School

The Dr. A.E. Perry administrative and teaching staff would like to welcome back all returning students and new ones for the 2018-2019 school year. We welcome the addition to our teaching staff the following teachers: Miss Jennifer Decker ,Grade 3/4 and Mrs. Jasmine Korpan, Grade 5/6.

We welcome parents to come and meet the teachers at our Open House on Wednesday, September 19th at 4:30pm followed by the School Community Council Pizza Night at 5:00 pm.


Now Accepting September 2018 Kindergarten Program Registrations


Dr. A. E. Perry School is now accepting registrations for the Fall 2018-2019 Kindergarten School year.  We welcome new Kindergarten students who will be five years of age or older as of December 31st, 2018.  You will need to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate along with an attached Kindergarten Registration form.  Please click here for the Kindergarten Registration form. Please return registration forms and birth certificate to the office by May 31. 

Good School Attendance Matters

We are striving to improve our school attendance throughout the year. Being late for school is a particular problem. Often over 10% of our student body is arriving late for class.  Many of our classroom routines and much of our daily organization occurs in the first few minutes of the school day.  Please help your children be on time. Our school day starts at 8:53 AM and 12:45 PM. A good target time is 8:45 AM and 12:40 PM. For more information regarding our initiative, please click the link HERE.