
Information for our school community

As you may be aware, we are in the process of doing renovations in the school to prepare for the new school year. During these renovations, asbestos tile was found in some floor tiles in the building. 

Asbestos in tiles is generally safe as long as it is not disturbed/broken up. Unfortunately, during renovations from June 11 to June 16, some of the tile was disturbed. Air samples were taken and revealed there was a small amount of asbestos fibre in the air. The measured sample amount was 0.01 f/cc (fibres per cubic centimetres) which is just over the allowable limits for clean air. 

Update regarding STF Sanctions - Division Information

Please read the information below, provided to all families regarding the upcoming STF sanctions that will be in place effective Monday, April 8th.

We will communicate any changes to families in a timely manner. As always, we ask that families be regularly checking Edsby, as that is our primary means of communication with our Panther families.

LINK to update is found here.

Now accepting Kindergarten Registrations for the 2024-2025 school year

Welcome to Kindergarten / bienvenue à la maternelle!

École Dr. A. E. Perry School is now accepting registrations for the Fall 2024-2025 Kindergarten School Year. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2024, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten in September. 

All Kindergarten classes run either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday and alternating Fridays.

1. Please complete the following Kindergarten registration form by clicking here.

Join us! Perry Park Revitalization Project

Join the Conversation!

In 2022, a new working group of committed stakeholders and individuals was established with the support of the Albert Park Community Association (APCA) and the City of Regina to redevelop the park
behind the Dr. A.E Perry School. The goal is to revitalize and transform the park into a vibrant new
shared space for the greater community to enjoy for years to come.

Of the 136 responses received in the public survey, 94% were in favour of making improvements to the park, and the new Park Project Committee is now working with the APCA and the City of Regina.

Parent Teacher Conferences - March 15 (KA), March 16 (KB, 1-8)

Wednesday, March 1st

Conferences for École Dr. A.E Perry School will take place on Wednesday March 15th (Kindergarten A only) or Thursday, March 16th (Kindergarten B, Grades 1-8.)  These conferences will be held either virtually or in person, to accommodate parent schedules.

Some teachers have chosen to host a celebration of learning and will connect in with their parents directly.

Now accepting Kindergarten Registrations for the 2023-2024 school year

Welcome to Kindergarten / bienvenue à la maternelle!

École Dr. A. E. Perry School is now accepting registrations for the Fall 2023-2024 Kindergarten School Year. If your child will be five years old by December 31, 2023, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten in September. 

All Kindergarten classes run either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday and alternating Fridays.

1. Please complete the following Kindergarten registration form by clicking here.

Playground fundraising campaign launched!

Dear parents, guardians, and community members,

Over the past few years, our school has been the target of extensive vandalism. This includes significant damage the exterior windows, the little free library in front of the school, and unfortunately, a major piece of playground equipment on the senior side of the school.  Due to the ongoing vandalism around this specific structure, the replacement costs, and safety concerns, the decision was made to remove the structure.