
Masks Required on Public Transit

OCTOBER 15, 2020 -- As COVID-19 cases increase in our city, Regina Transit is reminding all passengers to continue to wear masks on public transit. Starting on October 19, 2020, Regina Transit will be denying service to elementary and high school students who do not wear a mask or alternative face coverings while boarding and riding the bus.

Picture Day at École Dr AE Perry School

A reminder that PICTURE day at École Dr A.E. Perry School starts today.  All Kindergarten Schedule A students will have their photo taken today and tomorrow, Kindergarten Schedule B students and grades 1-8 will be able to have their individual school photo taken.

Lifetouch will provide us with updated information about picture times for E-learning families and we will communicate this directly to those families involved.

We will only be taking individual photos as this time - no group photos.  Retake day will be posted once we have a confirmed date.

Picture Day at École Dr AE Perry School

Bonjour à nos panthères!  Hey Panther families!

Pick out your best outfit - Picture day will be here before you know it.

October 7th - PM - Kindergarten Schedule A students ONLY

October 8th - All Day - Kindergarten Schedule B, Grades 1-8

Please note that at this time we will only be taking individual student photos.  Group photos are not permitted at this time.  We will be working closely with Lifetouch and appropriate safety measures will be in place.

Additional information will be coming out over the next few days, including information for our e-learning families.