African-Canadian Black History Month at École Dr AE Perry School

February marks the start of African- Canadian Black History Month. This month provides all of our Panthers with the opportunity to learn and share about the experiences, achievements and contributions of peoples of African ancestry and their communities. The 2021 theme for Black History Month is "The Future is Now".

We encourage all of our Panthers to check out some new displays near the office... coming soon! Mrs. Fiorante has some incredible resources for you to check out and has even put together a virtual reading room for you to explore!

Please click HERE to access the reading room.

E-learning Window - Coming Soon!

Information Update Regarding e-Learning Programming

Please note that as previously communicated to our École Dr. A.E. Perry School families, the next window during which students may enroll or return from e-school is coming up soon.

Families may choose e-school for their students - an online learning program that is organized through Campus Regina Public.  Families may only leave in school programming or return to in school programming during this window.  This helps to ensure smooth transitions, appropriate programming and a high quality of instruction for all of our students.

COVID Identified, Parents Called, School Open

December 5, 2020 – the Saskatchewan Health Authority informed us that there was one case of COVID-19 in an individual at Dr. A.E. Perry School. 

For the safety of students and staff, and in consultation with Public Health, we have informed all close contacts and provided them information about self-isolation. The affected students and class will begin remote learning and will not return to the school until December 17th. Remote Learning will begin for those students on December 8th.

We have also contacted all school families by automated telephone call to inform them.

Letters will be sent to all school families on Monday, December, 7, 2020

Update from Regina Public Schools Regarding Mask Usage

Good afternoon Panther families!

This afternoon we will be sending home a letter from our Director of Education, Mr. Greg Enion, that provides an update on the Regina Public Schools Safety Plan.  Effective Monday, November 9, 2020, non-medical masks will be required to be worn by all students (now including Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 3), and all staff in our schools and school division buildings and school buses. Regina Public Schools puts the safety of students and staff first and mask use is one tool we can use to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in our schools.